Find the Perfect Plan
for Your Charity
1-Year Membership
Ideal for new charities looking to quickly identify foundations that provide funding aligned with their cause. On boarding, sample templates with step-by-step instructions included.
Supports 1 user
3-Year Membership
(SAVE $2,490)
Perfect for charities with plans to build multi-year foundation partnerships as well as grant funding for current projects.
*Includes all features listed in “The Launch”.
Supports 3 users at no extra cost
5-Year Membership
(SAVE $6,480)
Recommended for charities with long-term objectives, the best value, perfect for any charity looking for sustainable funding. *Includes everything listed in “The Build”.
Supports 5 users at no extra cost
Still Not Sure Which Plan is Right for You?
If you’re still not ready, why not test the waters by scheduling a Complimentary Grant Research Session? We’d love to get to know you and are just waiting for a chance to find those foundations that could increase the funding and impact of your charity!
Already a Member?
Sign Up For Training.
If you are already a subscriber to our service, take advantage of our training webinars to help you get the most out of our platform and improve the results of your grant funding campaigns.
The Fine Print
We hope that you have enjoyed reviewing our website,
and your Complimentary Grant Research & Strategy Session.
Should you decide to subscribe to a membership with Grant Advance you will be required to read and agree to our terms of use. As with most online subscription services, there is a lot of legal jargon involved, but basically, our terms of use assure you that we will treat your personal information with respect and in accordance with the law. Also, we will never sell or pass on your information without your express permission. And yes, we do use cookies to improve your user experience. Finally, we require that you only use your subscription service for your own organization.
So if you would like to share this information with someone else why not tell them how to get in touch with us? Any other way of passing on our proprietary information isn’t really playing fair. By checking our terms of use you acknowledge that you have read and agree to these terms and understand that if you do share your membership services with another organization we have the right to suspend your membership without compensation. Of course, we probably wouldn’t do that. It’s much more likely that we would be happy with your promise to not do it again.