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Donor Impact Series
“There are lots of things you can tell your donors, but what they want to know, above all else, is how their gifts are…
How to Write a Dazzling Donor Impact Report…
Table of Contents How to Write a Dazzling Donor Impact Report Fundraisers! One of your top questions is how to report back to charity funders on all the good work…
Top 10 Essentials to Giving Charity Funders an Exceptional Thank You Experience
We all learn as kids to say thank you when given a gift. And when a charity receives funding, it’s no different. While it may seem like winning a grant…
Top 5 Tips for Grant Seeking Charities – Part 2
How to Know if a Grant Maker is “The One” for You Grant writing can be overwhelming on the best of days. And while I happen to love it,…
Top 5 Tips for Grant Seeking Charities – Part 1
How to Know if a Foundation is “The One” for You If you’re a non-profit looking to find long-lasting grant love, I’ve got great news. There are a whopping 11,150…
How to Supercharge Your Letter of Interest or Letter of Inquiry
Top 10 Tips to Take Your LOI from Good to Great (Plus a Must-Read Bonus Tip) Whether you’re a grant writing pro, a charity fundraising newbie, or somewhere in between,…
Letter of Interest or Letter of Inquiry (LOI) 101: The Fundamentals
Table of Contents What’s an LOI? In the charity fundraising and grant writing worlds, the letter of inquiry or letter of interest (LOI) is a concise case for your…
Six-Step Guide to Writing a Winning LOI for Your Charity
How to Write a Letter of Inquiry to Raise Grant Funding for Your Cause If You’re Here, You’re Already Winning Congratulations! If you’ve landed here searching for tips on how…
Five Things to Know Before Writing a Letter of Inquiry (LOI)
LOI 101: The Fundamentals What the heck is a LOI? If you’re a newbie to charity fundraising and grant writing, you may be wondering, “what the heck is a low-eye?” …
How To Find Your Perfect Grant Funding Partner…
What’s love got to do with it? Chances are you found your way here by joining the many other charities who desperately search online for a kind-hearted foundation to fund…
Grant Search Engines: Your Best Research Tool
As a charitable organization, it’s likely that you rely on grants to grow and reach your goals. Taking the time to find these grants is often crucial for your charity.
Small Non-profits and Effective Grant Writing
Okay, so you are a small non-profit and you don’t have any “official” development staff or experienced grant writers on staff. But you do have passion, you can fundraise, and…
Dealing with Rejection
You’ve just uploaded the final draft of your grant proposal. You hit ‘complete & send’; instantly a friendly message pops up on your screen letting you know your application has…
Grant Applications Goals Vs. Objectives
Grant applications have many components, and sometimes it can get a little overwhelming thinking about how to correctly address each section effectively. The “goal” and “objective” portions of grant applications…
Release the Anxiety in Grant Writing…
Whether you’ve been grant writing for decades or are a first timer, the emotions that come with completing grant applications can be pretty tumultuous.
The Grant Writing Process
Fact: Grant writing is a worthwhile process. For many charities, large and small, grant applications are one of those key funding streams that can contribute to organizational success.
Innovative Techniques During Covid-19
Looking back now, most of us would agree that fundraising prior to Covid-19 were simpler times. There is no doubt the pandemic has put extraordinary pressures on the charitable and…
The Do’s and Don’ts in Communicating With Potential Funders
Do: Create Meaningful Connections – Build a relationship with your funders as you would other stakeholders and partners. Funders are people too, and while it may seem intimidating to initiate…
The Big Ask: 5 Tips on Making a Strong Letter Request to Donors
1. Introduce Your Organization/ Project – Give your funders a good understanding of your organization or project in a concise and simple manner. Avoid language that is busy, unclear and…
Creating an Effective Digital Presence for Non-Profits and Charitable Organizations
Going digital, whether willingly or not, is the survival mode of the times. Over the last several years, a shift of digital transformation is sweeping the NPO sector by surprise.
Anxiety in Grant Writing: Tactics to Overcome Performance Anxiety
Whether you’ve been grant writing for decades or are a first timer, the emotions that come with completing grant applications can be pretty tumultuous. Although experience is always a great…
Reflections for the New Year Ahead – Grant Advance Team
Most of us probably relate to the feeling that 2020 was an extremely odd and turbulent year. Looking ahead to the new year, focusing on the possibilities that lay ahead,…
The Holiday Season is Upon Us
Lights… Cameras… Christmas! The holiday season is finally here (albeit, likely very different than past years’ celebrations).
Working from Home During Covid-19
We are working in times never known before in modern history. Even for those who are used to working remotely, Covid-19 has changed the way we think and go about…
The Importance of the NPO Sector During Covid-19
Non-profit organizations across Canada have been some of the hardest hit by Covid-19; yet in these times of need, reliance on the NPO sector has never been so great.
They said “No”—Now What?
So you have done the necessary research for your campaign and identified what looks to be some great Funders.
How Much Should I Ask For?
We’re often asked the question of how much money to ask from a Foundation. I’d love to tell you this is a simple yes or no answer, but the reality…
Do Your Research!
Successful grant writing should always begin with thorough research. The research that you do will undoubtedly be time consuming for you, but take heart.
Establishing Relationships
“It’s all about establishing and maintaining relationships” Really? Could it be that simple? Well, probably not quite that simple, but it most certainly stands to reason…