
Quality Assurance Analyst

Bug Hunter

Raissa & friends
Raissa & friends in South America
Raissa Ferreira

About Raissa

Raissa is the glue that keeps administration and IT teams together. Her contribution allows us all to have a better understanding of each other’s needs, wants and abilities. She tests the system inside and out to ensure that our clients are working with an efficient and easy to use system. Raissa helps us deliver dreams into perfectly planned out realities in the development our system and tools. Her amazing contribution is always appreciated and valued.

Q&A With Raissa

Anywhere near the beach or a waterfall.

I want to improve my skills on testing by working with new tools, doing different types of tests and studying more about it.

Everyone here is very friendly and approachable. I’m sure you are going to love working with us!

Being great at what I do and knowing that I’m always doing my best.

Raissa Ferreira

We’ve Got Answers

If you’re looking to explore tomorrow’s grant
funding opportunities, contact us today! We
look forward to helping your non-profit by
simplifying and accelerating grant writing and
funding research. Tell us a little more about
yourself and we’ll be in touch as soon as we