Jessica Hanna

Senior Research Consultant

Capital Connoisseur

Jessica Hanna
Jessica Hanna
Jessica Hanna

About Jessica

Jessica has been with Grant Advance Solutions since 2016. She is known for her inquisitive mind, attention to detail and her ability to take the reins to be the voice for the little guy. Her belief in doing the right thing is only one of the amazing strengths she brings to the team.

Q&A With Jessica

I’m inspired by talking every day with people who are devoting their time and energy to causes they believe in, and by my amazing coworkers.

My first “job” was selling ice cream at the gymnasium concession stand, to raise funds for my middle school sports teams, even though I wasn’t on any of them. I was paid in ice cream.

Meditating every day before work.

The books on my bedside table right now include The Art of Asking, by musician Amanda Palmer, which is the story of how she learned how to ask people for help and achieved a record-breaking crowd-funding campaign, The Power of Now, by Eckhart Tolle, which is a book about the importance of living in the present moment, and The Assassination of Hole in the Day by Anton Treuer, which is the story of an Ojibwe chief who I found out was one of my ancestors and wanted to learn more about.

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We’ve Got Answers

If you’re looking to explore tomorrow’s grant
funding opportunities, contact us today! We
look forward to helping your non-profit by
simplifying and accelerating grant writing and
funding research. Tell us a little more about
yourself and we’ll be in touch as soon as we