Top 10 Essentials to Giving Charity Funders an Exceptional Thank You Experience
We all learn as kids to say thank you when given a gift. And when a charity receives funding, it’s no different. While it may seem like winning a grant…
We all learn as kids to say thank you when given a gift. And when a charity receives funding, it’s no different. While it may seem like winning a grant…
How to Know if a Grant Maker is “The One” for You Grant writing can be overwhelming on the best of days. And while I happen to love it,…
How to Know if a Foundation is “The One” for You If you’re a non-profit looking to find long-lasting grant love, I’ve got great news. There are a whopping 11,150…
Top 10 Tips to Take Your LOI from Good to Great (Plus a Must-Read Bonus Tip) Whether you’re a grant writing pro, a charity fundraising newbie, or somewhere in between,…
How to Write a Letter of Inquiry to Raise Grant Funding for Your Cause If You’re Here, You’re Already Winning Congratulations! If you’ve landed here searching for tips on how…
LOI 101: The Fundamentals What the heck is a LOI? If you’re a newbie to charity fundraising and grant writing, you may be wondering, “what the heck is a low-eye?” …
What’s love got to do with it? Chances are you found your way here by joining the many other charities who desperately search online for a kind-hearted foundation to fund…
Okay, so you are a small non-profit and you don’t have any “official” development staff or experienced grant writers on staff. But you do have passion, you can fundraise, and you can network.
You’ve just uploaded the final draft of your grant proposal. You hit ‘complete & send’; instantly a friendly message pops up on your screen letting you know your application has been successfully submitted. And now the wait begins…
Grant applications have many components, and sometimes it can get a little overwhelming thinking about how to correctly address each section effectively. The “goal” and “objective” portions of grant applications tend to be the most confusing for individuals new to grant writing.